Sister Agatha Mary who presided over the Provincial Superior's election announced the name of God's elect. Hearty Congratulations ! to our Newly elected Provicial Superior Sister Lily D'Souza.
And her Team : (from left) Sister Maria Sujatha, Sister Maria Rashmi, Sister Marie Eugene and Sister Valsa
The newly elected Provincial Secretary : Sister Valsa
The newly elected Provincial Bursar: Sister Zeena Crasta
The delegate to the General Advisory Council : Sister Maria Dipasha
The newly elected Provincial Secretary : Sister Valsa
The newly elected Provincial Bursar: Sister Zeena Crasta
The delegate to the General Advisory Council : Sister Maria Dipasha
The Delegates to the Provincial Advisory Council : (from left) Sister Mena D'Silva, Sister Doris D'Souza, Sister Maria Kirti, Sister Margaret Mary, Sister Maria Mridula and Sister Marie Jane