Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Service Learning

Service Learning (SL) is a method of teaching and learning in which students apply academic knowledge and skills from academic courses to client support or capacity-building projects, to meet identified needs of a community partner and enhance students’ academic learning and civic and professional development.

This service moves beyond the traditional understanding of community service, charity, or volunteerism through its integration in academic courses and focus on mutually beneficial outcomes.

As an innovative process, in Teaching-learning, SL was introduced in three of our schools:
·        Carmel Junior College Sonari, Tata Nagar, Jharkhand
·        Carmel School, Ranchi, Jharkhand
·        Fatima  Convent School, Kanpur, U.P.
The Projects undertaken are:
-         Environment Conservation 
-         Client Support  and Capacity Building
Ø  Carmel Junior College (CJC), Sonari, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand

·        Environment Conservation 
-         Based on the Curricular content, the staff and students created an awareness in the school, on each one’s civic and social responsibility to conserve environment. Strategies were worked out by students, teachers and parents. Today the entire school and their homes have been turned into ‘No Plastic’ zones. The Project is in progress.

·         Client Support (CS) and Capacity Building(CB)
(CS = Students work directly with clients and/or within the functioning of an agency. For example, students might provide literacy support to other children.
CB= Students become knowledge-producers, not just consumers, through the creation of a tangible product using knowledge and skills learned in class.)
·        Seventh Standard students of Carmel Junior College, Sonari impart Computer Literacy on one-to-one basis to Physically Challenged (hearing impaired) students of Carmel Bal Vihar, Sonari, twice a week for one hour.

·     Planning and Preparation, Action, Reflection and Demonstration of Results and Celebration have developed ‘bonding’ between the students of the two schools.  Service Learning has led to attainable and visible outcomes that are valued by those being served. Students also have  learnt how to transfer knowledge and skills from one setting to another

Ø  Carmel School Ranchi, Jharkhand

           Client Support and Capacity Building
·         The staff and students of  Carmel School Ranchi, have actively involved themselves in a Project for ‘rag-pickers’ run by  Marianist  Brothers. Their centre is located close to our Carmel School / Convent. Students give literacy support to them on every Saturday for two hours.
·        A few students of the school offer literacy support to slow learners of the same school.

Ø  Fatima Convent School, Kanpur, U.P.

Environment Conservation 
·        Fatima School students are working to declare their school as ‘No Plastic’ zone and have taken up other environmental issues related to their curriculum as well.  The service they render is to create awareness on various ‘Earth Issues’.

SL will be introduced in all our schools by 2017.

May God bless all our endeavours.

Carmel Communty College, Gorakhpur, U.P.

                 Inaugurated on 4th May, 2016

                 Course offered:  One year Diploma Course in "Fashion Designing"

  • The Students of Carmel Community College (CCC), Gorakhpur

    Core Committee Members of CCC

Carmel Community College, Lucknow, U.P.

Inaugurated on 3rd May, 2016

Courses offered: 
  • One year Diploma Course in "Office Management"
  • Six months Certificate Course in "Tailoring and Embroidery"                           

Welcome song by the students of Carmel Community College(CCC), Lucknow